Nepal Hydrogeological Association

|   NHA 14th AGM   |   |   Invitation for Research Manuscript (Follow-up)   |   |   Article Invitation   |   |   भूमिगत जलस्रोतको नियमन निकायको आवश्यकता   |   |   Condolence   |   |   Jajarkot Earthquake   |  

Partner Organizations

Institutional Partner


SN Name Programs Address Year
1 Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Management Board (KVWSMB) Groundwater Resources of Nepal: Current Challanges and Opportunities Lalitpur, Nepal 2019

Professional Organization

SN Name Programs Address Year
1 Nepal Geological Society International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) Day Kathmandu, Nepal 2023, 2022, 2021


SN Name Programs Address Year
1 Lumbini International Academy of Science and Technology (LIAST) Groundwater abstraction practices in Nepal, its impacts and recharge techniques to be used for the protection Lalitpur, Nepal 2019